Site icon Greater Vision Baptist Church

Reopening Of Services

Hello GVBC church family. I hope this letter finds each of you doing well.

I am excited to announce that we will be meeting again for the first time in several weeks. After meeting with the deacons, pastor Tim, and pastor Robbie, we believe the Lord is leading us to reopen the church and have services on May 31st. With that being said, here is how our services will be structured.

We will have two services beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the second service will be at 11:00 a.m. We will have a sign up form posted on our website. We are asking that each family sign up for the service that they would like to attend and list the names of each family member that will be attending. We are setting the max number of 70 people per service. Once the maximum number of people is reached for a particular service time, that option will no longer be available for that week’s service.

We will be maintaining social distancing for your safety. The seats will be marked in order to provide the recommended 6’ spacing for social distancing. We will also be providing masks for those that would like to wear one. We are not requiring anyone to wear a mask. The bathrooms will be open, however, the water fountains will remain shut off. There will be an offering box for you to drop off your tithes and someone will be there to open the doors for you. This is so that we can reduce any risks of cross contamination.  We will also be disinfecting the sanctuary before and after each service. We are going to do our best to provide a safe environment for our church family. We do want to say that if you don’t feel good or you are running a fever, please stay home. Your safety is our number one priority.

We do realize that some may have concerns about returning back to public worship at this time, and some may not feel safe to do so. We want you to know that, is perfectly fine. While we desire to see each of you, we want you to feel safe and good about coming back to church. Please don’t feel like you are obligated to come back if you don’t feel safe. We will still be live streaming our services and you can watch from our Facebook page. God bless each of you. We love you GVBC family!

Pastor Shane

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